The Stepping Stone: Moving the Needle from Waterfall Toward Agility

SDLC inertia is the biggest inhibitor to Agile adoption. Why? Organizational change is hard. Many institutions are reluctant to rip out existing processes due to tangled process tentacles and team interdependencies that are far reaching. Plus, not everyone is convinced that change is actually needed. It often takes subtlety and wisdom to recognize how much Agile to introduce, how much visibility it merits, and which particular practices will garner the most benefit in a given area.

So, how do we maximize the benefits that Agile offers with minimal or smaller, incremental changes to existing processes? Focus on good Agile practices, enlighten slow-adopters why those methods exist, and prove their value in a non-Agile environment. The key is not to emphasize the techniques but focus on desired results instead.

Continuous improvement is the fuel that the keeps agile initiative engine running and helps it survive and grow. Sometimes, you implement Agile through the lens of Waterfall because the easiest way to adopt Agile… is by not mentioning “Agile” at all.