The Stress of Self Organization

Team agency and the absence of a single directive manager are central to the productivity gains promised by scrum. But departing the comfortable “nest” of the cubicle and the safe familiarity of assigned work can challenge even the hardiest of individuals.

Self-organization within cross-functional, geographically localized groups challenges each team member to find her footing, express her voice, and embrace a larger purpose in the drive to deliver working, tested product to the customer.

Unlike writing code, testing product, or authoring user stories, these challenges are largely internal and unique to each individual — in essence, an inner journey that both informs and is reflected by the outer journey undertaken by the team. .

In this session, you’ll discover:
– how to create an environment within which each team member can finds his voice and brings his best ideas forward
– the importance of cultivating a “journey” mentality alongside a “destination” mentality
– the role “family of origin” patterns play in each individual awakening dormant creative capacities
– exercises that broaden the thinking and sharpen perception of the tacit, invisible forces at work in team formation and performance